Sunday, September 16, 2007


I remember first watching the vaunted Siskel and Ebert review show when it was aired on BBC2 in England. As esteemed as they were, I couldn't help but feel that most of their reviews went along the lines of dismantling every part of the film then saying "but I liked her hat so that's a thumbs up from me".

Here is my quick homage to that memory via NBC's new action-comedy Chuck.

It is executive produced by McG, the first episode is directed by McG.

Ok so I didn't need to dismantle every part of it to find some negatives big enough to send most people running before the credits finished.

As I frantically searched for the DVD remote to end things before my eyes bled from slow-mo and crash zooms I stopped and said out loud "Hold on, is that Adam Baldwin?"

And lo, it was Adam Baldwin.

Adam Baldwin in a recurring role as a cantankerous, deadly, ruthless NSA agent in a pissy yet flippant mood.

Thumbs up.


Admiral Neck said...

But it's by Josh Schwartz! Who managed to get out a couple of good seasons of The O.C. before the network managed to ruin it! Therefore I can't wait for Chuck, with or without the mighty Baldwin.

If the show can reference his bunk at any point, it instantly becomes the best thing on TV. Bar none.

Jaredan said...

Well it references Prince's Batman soundtrack which in of itself is something to be admired.