Thursday, October 18, 2007

Shatner Speak

So the Bionic Woman rears its pasty head again and for some reason I find myself compelled to watch.

This week I will break my review down into a more managable size.

Miguel Ferrer wants to go home now.

Michelle Ryan struggles to act, run or blink in a manner which makes one believe there is something worth sticking around for.

Katie Sackhoff could be a champion gurner and I'm pretty sure the director is shouting "Bigger!" at her with every scene.

Homophobe Man carries on being awful at every turn and his character does utterly incredulous things to move the story on and show he is willing to think outside the box. Unfortunately the box is marked "Competent".

At least there was some action. Really bad action. If you thought Beast flying through the air in X-Men 3: Murder of a Franchise was graceful then even your cataracts won't hide the amateurish jumping effects used in last night's Bionic Woman.

Nicholas Hammond would have pointed and laughed.

The revelation was that the implants leave our bionic lass with 5 years to live. I think the showrunners have an optimism that should be applauded.

Then again, Charmed lasted forever.



Admiral Neck said...

Sackhoff, aka Man-Thing, is bad enough, but she's still out-acting the majority of the cast. I only like the tech guy, but that's only because he's played by Kevin Rankin, who was awesome on Friday Night Lights, and is now much missed. Right now I'm just waiting for the better writers to come on and take control, though of course that's no guarantee of improvement.

"I'm about to get analogue on your ass," is the best bad line of the season so far, though. Well done, Homophobe!

Jaredan said...

There's no doubt Starbuck is the only one on screen to be pretty much always entertaining, even if it is in a scary way.